Mutamwa Chioma MatakaOct 20PlayStationNaughty Dog's Next Game Promises Ambitious Player Freedom, Breaking from TraditionUnlike the linear, story-driven games that Naughty Dog is known for, the studio's next project is rumored to feature a significant amount...
Matthew KellerNov 20, 2023PlayStationUncharted 4: A Thief's End – PS4 ReviewIn 2006, a daring adventurer by the name of Nathan Drake graced the brand new PlayStation 3 in "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune." Fast forward...
Samantha NeilFeb 3, 2023RetrospectivesRemembering the Jak and Daxter SeriesIn 2001, Naughty Dog, known for Crash Bandicoot , launched Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy , one of the first 3D platformers on the...