The Bozjan Southern Front is a vast battlefield introduced as part of the "Save the Queen" storyline in Patch 5.35. This region, inspired by the Bozjan region from Final Fantasy Tactics, serves as a focal point of conflict between the Bozjan Resistance and the Garlean Empire. Players join the Bozjan Resistance to liberate the Bozjan region from Garlean oppression. The storyline unfolds through a series of quests that involve battling powerful foes, completing objectives, and engaging in large-scale battles. As players progress, they uncover the history and struggles of the Bozjan people and their fight for freedom.
The Dalriada
Gabriel Mark III
Delubrum Reginae
Gabriel Α
Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr
Construct 14
180 Bozjan Clusters