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Final Fantasy XVI – PS5 Review

In 2020, Square Enix unveiled a promise: Final Fantasy XVI, an eagerly awaited chapter that aims to elevate the franchise's reputation after the rocky launch of its predecessor, Final Fantasy XV. Carrying the torch of its predecessor's action-based combat, this new installment embarks on a journey that extends those ambitions even further. Simultaneously, it embarks on a nostalgic quest, delving into a medieval realm of darkness and maturity.

Story and Atmosphere

The tale of Final Fantasy XVI unfolds in the sprawling, medieval expanse of Valisthea, ravaged by the malevolent Blight. A realm where nations vie for survival, the storyline follows Clive Rosfield, a survivor of a treacherous assault that left him enslaved. Seeking vengeance against the forces that tore his life apart, Clive must navigate a world of Eikons, evoking both action and introspection.

This narrative and atmosphere effortlessly captivate players, thanks to nuanced writing that breathes life into characters and relationships. A return to the franchise's roots, Final Fantasy XVI contemplates human nature against the backdrop of a richly detailed world, reminiscent of earlier installments. Valisthea itself becomes a character, a testament to the development team's attention to detail. Despite a slow start, the engrossing plot keeps players enthralled throughout the game's 35 to 40-hour runtime.

Dark and Mature Vibes

A nod to the dark and mature shades of Game of Thrones resounds unmistakably in Final Fantasy XVI. Themes of brutality, nudity, and violence evoke the cruelty of Westeros while building upon the franchise's legacy of deep, intricate worlds. However, these elements have been present before, with FF Tactics and FFXII treading similar paths. Geopolitics and theatrical storytelling draw players into the narrative's heart, and the developers' meticulous efforts ensure that even the intricate aspects of the world are made accessible.

Action and Spectacle

While the franchise's identity is rooted in turn-based battles, Final Fantasy XVI embraces an even more action-oriented direction. The influence of Devil May Cry 5's combat director is evident in the game's dynamics. Players control Clive, engaging in combos, ranged attacks, dodges, and counters. The Eikonic abilities amplify the spectacle, granting powerful abilities that lead to explosive combos and flashy animations. These combat dynamics elevate the excitement to unprecedented levels, fostering a sense of mastery and delight.

Eikons and epic boss battles emerge as the stars of the gameplay show. The game's Eikonic abilities add layers of strategy, allowing players to wield awe-inspiring powers and engage in thrilling, high-octane confrontations. The interplay of strategic counters and overwhelming spectacle make these clashes unforgettable.

Linearity and Openness

The structure of Final Fantasy XVI echoes the fusion of linearity and openness. Players alternate between linear dungeons, offering intense fights and focused narrative progression, and expansive open areas connected to Valisthea's heart. Despite a seemingly repetitive pattern, the interweaving of these elements creates a sense of exploration, coupled with a rich lore that rewards those who delve into the side quests.

However, the game's structure doesn't escape criticism. The blend of linear and open gameplay can at times feel disjointed, and exploration may feel unrewarding due to underwhelming loot and equipment mechanics. The dichotomy between the engaging story and occasionally dated visuals mars the immersive experience.

Visual and Auditory Delights

Final Fantasy XVI embraces its next-gen status, crafting a world of unparalleled beauty. Valisthea's landscapes, Mother Crystals, and character models boast visual excellence. This magnificence extends to the Primordial clashes and boss battles, showcasing the power of the PS5's capabilities.

The soundtrack, helmed by Masayoshi Soken, captures both epic and introspective moments. While impressive, it occasionally falls short of Soken's work on Final Fantasy XIV. The voice acting, especially in English, underscores the authenticity of the medieval setting.

The Verdict:

Final Fantasy XVI sets out to rejuvenate the franchise, delivering a dark, mature, and action-packed experience. Its engrossing narrative, captivating universe, and explosive combat ensure that players are treated to a remarkable adventure. However, the balance between linearity and openness feels uneven, and technical issues with framerate fluctuations hinder an otherwise stunning visual presentation. While not without its flaws, Final Fantasy XVI heralds a strong return to form for the beloved saga.

Final Score:


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