With the tantalizing title "Kill the Justice League," the impending Suicide Squad game emerges as a potential swan song for Rocksteady Studios' Arkham universe, which made its grand entrance with the acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum in 2009. The departure of Rocksteady's co-founders, coupled with the ominous title, raises questions: is DC bidding farewell to the Arkhamverse?
Fear not, as the answer comes from the top echelons of DCU, with James Gunn at the helm of all things DC, including the gaming realm. In a now-deleted Instagram reply, Gunn quashed any speculation about Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League serving as the final chapter in the Rocksteady-built universe.
However, the deletion of the response adds a layer of intrigue – did Gunn hastily post, misread the situation, or tread into spoiler territory? While the specifics remain elusive, this deleted exchange marks the first official acknowledgment that the Arkhamverse may see more games in the pipeline. The burning question arises: will the Suicide Squad's mission to eliminate the Justice League fall short? In the ever-resilient world of comics (and at times, games), death is seldom permanent, making any bets against the Justice League's survival a risky endeavor.
As the Suicide Squad gears up for its high-stakes showdown, the shadows of uncertainty cast by Gunn's deleted response only intensify the anticipation for the game's release. Whether this signals a continued legacy for the Arkham universe or a new dawn for DC gaming, only time will unveil the fate that awaits both the Squad and the Justice League in this bold, high-octane adventure.