Pitch Dark is an extensive stealth mission divided into two stages. You can bypass the initial village, but taking a moment to familiarize yourself with the colors and terrain variations of Africa can be beneficial and rewarding.
If you decide to clear the village, remember that the Child Soldiers cannot be attacked with lethal force, nor can they be captured and interrogated.
If you take out the adult taskmasters without triggering an alarm, the Child Soldiers will escape from their captors. Once you move past the village and reach the refinery, you'll need to be particularly cautious.
Your two objectives are a large tank located in the west wing of the compound and a pump control situated high up in the east wing.
You can access the fortress through this passage on the southern face.
Climb carefully to the pumping deck on the left to reach the tank. Once there, place plenty of C4.
This area is teeming with guards, and they're positioned close enough to detect most Fulton extractions, so proceed with caution. After planting the C4, move across the back end of the facility and climb the structure to reach the top tier. Inside, you'll find the switch controls.
Place your C4 explosives, then retrace your steps. You can escape through the undercroft or navigate the catwalk maze to the east. If you get spotted, dive indoors or take cover under pipes or pillars. Once you're a safe distance from the facility, detonate the C4 and make your extraction.