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PETA Weighs in on Palworld

Palworld, the latest sensation in the gaming world, continues its meteoric rise, shattering records and surpassing expectations with every passing day.

With over seven million copies sold in less than a week, Palworld has soared to new heights, outpacing even stalwarts like Counter-Strike on Steam in peak concurrent player counts.

However, this success hasn't shielded Palworld from controversy since its release by Pocket Pair. One hot topic revolves around the game's 'Pals,' creatures that bear a striking resemblance to Nintendo's beloved Pokémon characters. Compounding the debate are allegations that AI was used to generate these virtual companions.

A particularly contentious issue surrounds what some players perceive as 'animal cruelty' within Palworld. Players must capture, kill, and put to work a variety of animalistic creatures, raising ethical concerns.

PETA Takes Notice

In light of these controversies, InsiderGaming, reached out to PETA to gauge the organization's stance on the alleged animal cruelty prevalent in Palworld.

In a statement from PETA's VP of Programmes, Elisa Allen, she revealed, "PETA has already heard from many Palworld fans who have no interest in eating 'Pals' and want a vegan guide created for the game. It's 'Veganuary,' after all, and gamers want to help animals by embracing a vegan lifestyle in their virtual worlds and beyond."

Notably absent from the statement were comments addressing the controversial aspects of Palworld, such as the potential establishment of slave labor camps and the forced labor of Pals under the threat of death. The debate around Palworld's ethical implications rages on, with players and activists alike wrestling with the moral quandaries presented by this innovative and controversial gaming experience.


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