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Producer of Final Fantasy XVI Hints at Multi-Platform Release

At this year's PAX East 2024, NoisyPixel sat down with key figures behind Final Fantasy XVI, including producer Naoki Yoshida and DLC director Takeo Kujiraoka. The focus of their conversation revolved around the highly anticipated The Rising Tide DLC, offering insights into its development and what fans can expect.

One particularly intriguing revelation came when they asked about bidding farewell to the game's beloved characters post-DLC. Yoshida hinted at the possibility of branching out to new platforms beyond the upcoming PC release. While this sparked immediate speculation about an Xbox port, Yoshida remained coy, leaving room for interpretation.

"It’s not over in the sense that we have the PC version," Yoshida remarked. "Once the PC version is released, we’re thinking about hopefully moving to other platforms as well." While this statement didn't delve into specifics, it certainly ignited excitement among fans eager for expanded accessibility.

However, it's important to temper expectations, as Yoshida's remarks suggest that plans are still fluid. The transition to new platforms may not be set in stone just yet. As we eagerly await further developments on this front, fans can look forward to immersing themselves in The Rising Tide DLC, slated for release on April 18, 2024. Promising around ten hours of additional gameplay, this expansion ventures into uncharted territory as Clive and his companions embark on a rescue mission in the mysterious land of Mysidia.


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